Hey there! We’d love to have you join us for our KTT Virtual Summer Support Groups every Friday from 1:30-2:30. You can chat with our service provider about substance use and mental health concerns, get some support and resources, and connect with other students. It’s a great way to stay on track this summer!
Looking for some friends who are also working on reducing or quitting substance use? Come hang out with us from 2:30-3:30 every Friday for KTT’s Vibe Check! You can connect with other students, share recovery stories, find sober activities for the summer, and swap tips for staying on track.
Ready to join us? Here’s the Zoom link: https://mntc-org.zoom.us/j/8787562976. And if you need a reminder or want to talk one-on-one with a Peer Recovery Specialist, just text us anonymously at 612-440-3967. We’re here to help!