Join us in bringing “the truth about substance use” to your school community.

Presentations are available in person, virtually, and in a pre-recorded on-demand format.

Highlights of KTT presentations include:

    • Evidence-based interactive curriculum, delivered by certified prevention specialists, certified youth peer specialists, and trained youth support advocates. Our presenters are young adults who have lived experience or been impacted by substance use, so are able to connect and relate with students on a level that few others can achieve.
    • Our focus: youth education, awareness, empowerment
    • This works: A 2018 independent study found that the KTT program drove significant increases in students’ healthy attitudes towards substances and substance use compared to using only the school’s internal health curriculum.

Typical topics explored include:

Myths and Truths about substance use:

alcohol, marijuana, e-cigarettes and other tobacco products, prescription pills, methamphetamine, heroin, fentanyl, and cocaine.

Risk factors:

isolation or alienation, stress, social pressure, poor grades and motivation, trauma, and mental health, among others.

Protective factors:

goals, family and friends, trust relationships, resources, among others


goal-setting, dealing with peer pressure, social media impacts, healthy coping skills, role playing

We work with school partners to address the needs and concerns most relevant for your local school and community